CAMPING VALIRAPrivacy policy

CAMPING VALIRA, S.L. is committed to protecting your privacy and developing the technology that provides you with the most secure experience on the website.This privacy statement is valid for the website, hereinafter "WEBSITE" and regulates the collection and use of data. 

Responsible for the data 

We inform you that any personal data that you provide through this website will be processed by CAMPING VALIRA, S.L. as data controller. CAMPING VALIRA, S.L. is the owner of this website, a company domiciled in Avinguda Salou, s/n, registered in the Companies Register of the Principality of Andorra with tax registration number L-714688-K, hereinafter "Camping VALIRA".

Data collected

In compliance with the requirements of Law 29/2021, of October 28, qualified for the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, "LQPD"), and with the regulations that develop it, the users of this website are informed that the data collected are for the purpose of communication between CAMPING VALIRA and the customer in order to receive general information, promotions or offers on the services offered, as well as to establish the contractual relationship between the customer and CAMPING VALIRA in those services that the customer wants to acquire.

We collect cookies

The website, hereinafter referred to as the Website, uses cookies for its operation with the sole purpose of offering a better user experience with the Website and to collect statistical data to have certain information about the activity that the website collects.

Full details can be found at the following link.

Purpose of the data

CAMPING VALIRA will be the controller and may process your personal data for the purposes described below provided that you allow part or all of it:

  • Newsletter

    Data processed: email and language.

    Particularly protected data is not processed.

  • Bookings

    Data processed: name and surname, nationality, telephone, email.

    Particularly protected data is not processed.

  • Online check-in

    Data processed: name and surname, nationality, telephone, email, passport/identity document, postal address.

    Particularly protected data is not processed.

The data collected has been provided by yourself at the time of booking, optional online check-in or registration for the Campingvalira newsletter. In all cases, you agree to be aware of and have read the general terms and conditions and the privacy policy.

CAMPING VALIRA may collect data that you provide to us through the social media interactions available to our establishment. This data, however, will be given by the user himself and from his own configuration that you may have in the privacy settings of your accounts or the privacy policies that each social network may have. It is your responsibility to have read and be aware of these external policies and settings.

Data retention time

CAMPING VALIRA will retain your personal data for the time necessary to carry out the purposes described in the previous section. Once the relationship has ended, these will be kept for the time indicated by the legislation that obliges CAMPING VALIRA to maintain this personal data. Once this period has expired, the data will be deleted.

Sending data to third parties

CAMPING VALIRA will only send data to third parties according to the provisions of Law 16/2017, of July 13, general of the tourist accommodation, in chapter five, defines the obligations of tourist accommodation and provides that they must have a record of occupancy of all its users.

In all other cases, your data will not be exchanged with third parties without your express consent to do so.

Data out of Andorra

As a general rule, your data collected here will not be transferred outside the Principality of Andorra.


In compliance with the LQPD, and its development regulations, CAMPING VALIRA informs you that you have the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, portability, deletion and opposition of your personal data, recognized in the aforementioned regulations. In order to exercise them, you must send a written and signed communication to the email address, to which you must attach a copy of your passport or another national identity document. Faced with any violation of your rights, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in your exercise, you can file a complaint with the Andorran Data Protection Agency. You can also learn more about the rights that assist you by contacting these agencies.


The consent given for any specific purpose may be withdrawn at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In these cases, CAMPSITE VALIRA will cease to process personal data or, where appropriate, will cease to do so for this particular purpose, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims. The express request for withdrawal of consent in those data necessary in the contractual relationship between you and CAMPING VALIRA before the end of this relationship in the event that the data are necessary for this relationship or for the obligations of CAMPING VALIRA according to the applicable legislation.

Security measures 

CAMPING VALIRA guarantees that the processing of your personal data is subject to the strictest duty of confidentiality, and that the necessary measures, both technical and organisational, have been established to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, misuse, loss, theft and unauthorised processing and / or access.

Changes to the privacy policy

This privacy policy is subject to change in accordance with applicable law from time to time. In any case, any modification of this Privacy Policy will be duly notified so that you are informed of the changes made and can grant your express consent to these changes.

Last update on July 2024.